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Customer Reviews

Based on 52 reviews
Lioba G.
Bester Trainingsbegleiter

Wir nutzen die Balancepads regelmäßig und sehr gern. Die Akzeptanz war sehr schnell da und beim Training genießt er es richtig, wenn er mit beiden Hufen draufsteht. Eine tolle Ergänzung zum Training, besonders, wenn im Winter die Böden gefroren sind. Wir nutzen sie für mehr Stabilität der Hinterhand und es ist sehr beeindruckend, wenn man die Einheit mal mit einem Zeitraffervideo filmt. Ich kann die Pads nur empfehlen. :-)

Lara Eselchen auf Entspannungstour

Es ist schön Euch entdeckt zu den Balance Pad haben wir was Tolles bekommen für unser Eselchen...sie sind sehr Hochwertig und regelmäßig im Einsatz...Lara geht in die Entspannung und die Muskulatur wird gestärkt...zusätzlich mit den gezielten Einsatz von Klangtherapie geht sie noch weiter in die ist so schön zu sehen, wie gut sie sich darauf einlassen kann und es ihrer Gesundheit gut tut...wir freuen uns die Balance Pads zu haben und können es nur Weiterempfehlen...der Kundenservice einfach Top...vielen Dank dafür und alles Gute wünscht das Lara Eselchen und Christine

Annabell M.
Mein Pferd & ich LIEBEN die Balance pads

Mein Pferd hat sich super schnell an die Balance Pads gewöhnt & will mittlerweile am liebsten gar nicht mehr runter. Benutze sie mittlerweile fast jeden Tag, super geeignet wenn man mal nicht so viel Zeit im Stall hat, aber auch nach dem Ausreiten oder bei einem Wellness Tag. Mittlerweile kann ich ihn auch beim putzen drauf stellen & er bleibt die komplette Zeit über problemlos stehen. Ich bin mehr als zufrieden und würde jedem der seinem Pferd was gutes tun möchte die Pads empfehlen!

Jutta K.
Balance Pads

Bewertung Norsholm Balance Pads

Mein Konik - Mix hat die Balance Pads sehr gut angenommen! Er stellt sich inzwischen gerne mit jeweils einem Fuß drauf und genießt. Anfangs war es eine etwas zappelige Angelegenheit 😉
Bald werden wir mit 2 Pads arbeiten 👍
Lieferung und Kundenservice sind super und Lisa und Morten sind sehr kulant und hilfsbereit!

Tina D.
Mega gut ich und mein Pony lieben sie

Stakur arbeiten mit den Balancepads so gut mit ! Und er zeigt direkt immer eine positive Reaktion!
Dazu sind die Pads super robust und super sauber zu halten !
Wir sind begeistert

Horse therapists report

Hilka Rickers v. Kartoffel & Rakete (horse physio)

The balance pads from Norsholm Equestrian are among my favorites. The high level of stability offers many advantages, especially in rehabilitation training, as they can also be used very well for movement exercises, which is associated with a higher risk with conventional pads due to the deep sinking. This makes them particularly suitable for beginners, so I can recommend them without hesitation to customers who do not yet have much experience working with the pads. In addition, they are more durable than many other models and the design is simply absolutely appealing.

Sabrina Moreis (Equine Practice Moreis)

I use the balance pads often and in many different ways in my veterinary horse rehabilitation practice. Previous pads were frustrating because they were too soft and not designed for the weight of a horse. This can lead to uneven sinking, particularly in the case of slight imbalances, and thus to localized joint strain. The Nørsholm pads are finally designed exactly for the needs of horses and I and my customers are very impressed. I would like to emphasize their robustness and thus longevity. In my practice, they are used alongside chiropractic, PEMF treatments or when accompanying people to tournaments and they strengthen proprioception, coordination and stability. 5 stars for a great product!

Christian Danner (equine physiotherapist & osteopath)

The pads were particularly supportive for our two young horses! Especially at the beginning you noticed that just two minutes really stimulate your thinking and take energy! Nowadays they are simply part of everyday life and in combination with everything else, I can only recommend them to everyone!

Lisa Siegler (Osteo & physio for horses)

Balance pads have been with me since I started working as a horse therapist. That's why I was very happy about the pads from Nørsholm Equestrian because they were specially developed for horses. I recommend them to my customers, give them homework and try to train the horse's deep sensitivity and muscles in collaboration with the horse owner. They are also very suitable for stabilization training or for the horse to learn to feel itself again. So far I have only had positive feedback from my customers. The horses accept the balance pads from Nørsholm Equestrian very well and the training supports them prophylactically, after injury, during standing phases or as a supplement to therapy. I can wholeheartedly recommend the balance pads!

Theresa Micke (animal physiotherapist)

I use the pads very often on my clients' horses and also on my own horse. I see a lot of benefits and physical improvements, especially with older horses. By regularly practicing with the balance pads, you can train even the smallest muscles and the affected ligaments and tendons in a gentle way. They gain a secure gait, their balance is improved again and they can coordinate their legs better again when working. It's just a great addition.

Julia Grebe (animal physiotherapist)

I was able to see and notice a clear relaxation in many horses when using the pads. Muscle tension was reduced and overall the repeated use had a very positive effect on the horses' overall condition. A great additional addition to training.

Julia Beuth (animal physiotherapist)

I use the pads on my clients' horses. I also like to use them on horses that have trouble relaxing. These horses in particular are often skeptical and unsure at first and then realize that they can let themselves go. Customers who have their own pads from other brands and then put their horses on Nørsholm's see the high quality of the pads. Thank you for supporting me in my work.

Jessica Ellner (equine physiotherapist)

I really enjoy working with the Balance Pads from Nørsholm. I'm very impressed by the quality and stability. The reactions of my horse and the customers' horses also always impress me. My horse really enjoys standing on the Balance Pads from Nørsholm for long periods of time and he decides when enough is enough. Customer horses that have a higher muscle tone and/or appear more alert are a little skeptical at first, but they really enjoy standing on them for long periods of time. If the horses have difficulty standing on them, this is a good starting point in physiotherapy treatment. And the customers have a doable and easy task with the Balance Pads, which have a big impact.

Sarah-Sophie Enthammer (vital coach for horses)

After my pirate's eye surgery I used these balance pads. This meant he was able to train his new body feeling really well. With my oldie I like to use them after ground work for additional relaxation and that works great too.

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